Our Raving Fans

Here is a just a small selection of Raving Fans that have come back to let us know just how great toilet training was using our products. If you would like to send us your video or written success story to help other parents know they can do it too, please email us at info@pottytraining.com.au.
We love helping parents with their wees and poos!
Our Raving Fans on Video
Emma Johnson - Overcome the Poo Challenge with her son with the (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Allison Arnold - Overcome the Poo Challenge with her son with the Poo Pack
Dani - Overcame Toilet Refusal with her 2yr old daughter & started and finished with her 14mth old daughter in just one week with wees! She used the (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Started at 16/17mths and finished with her 18mth old son - day and night - with the (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
"These Sheet Protectors are a must!" (WATERPROOF SHEET PROTECTOR)
By Marissa 14th April, 2022
These sheet protectors are a must!
[Have been buying toilet training products from Pottytraining.com.au for my three children since 2018]
"Success in One Day!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Chelsea 6th April, 2022
(Before) How’s Toilet Training Going ? - Ten days in and not using the toilet or the potty.
(After) Just one day after using the Ultimate Toilet Training System - I ordered the ultimate guide on day three. By Day 4 he had done his first wee and poo on the toilet.
"Overcame Withholding Both Wees and Stools in Days!" (ULTIMATE TOILET TRAINING SYSTEM)
By Anna 16th February, 2022
"I have been delaying writing this email as I didn't want to be disappointed if our toilet training went pear shaped yet again. I'm sure this will come as no surprise to you, given the many families you've helped, but I am writing to let you know of the great success we've had using the results of the Personality Test and Know Your Child guide. As noted when I completed the purchase, M was doing wee on the toilet at home but began to withhold her stools, which turned into withholding both. She needed to go on medication to keep the stools soft but this would go on for days at a time. We had the correct toilet environment, had been doing regular practice sits etc... but everything related to the toilet became a battle. We couldn't understand why she would be willing to use the toilet at daycare but not at home.
My husband and I completed the personality test and modified our language to suit M (Courageous Lion personality). We implemented that strategy straight away while waiting for the Totally Tops Toilet game to arrive. We completely took the pressure off toileting, continued with her medication and our new Courageous Lion child approach, and a few days later she simply decided she wanted to do a poo on the toilet. She did three poos on the toilet on the first day and has regularly been using the toilet every day since. Occasionally we see her withholding (too immersed in play) but rather than asking her "Do you need to go to the toilet?" or "Would you like to go to the toilet?", we know exactly how to motivate her to go and off she goes. Everything is so much easier now that M is using the toilet and her transition to kindergarten has been so much easier not having to worry about the toilet. She is also completely off the medication as well.
The strategies have also been helpful in many other regards as we have a better understanding of M's need for control and desire to win. We look forward to starting the training process with our second child (4 months) much earlier than with M and hopefully avoiding these problems in the future.
Please accept my very sincere thanks for giving us the tools to help our daughter and make life easier for everyone. I'll be sharing details of my success with a couple of online groups for parents managing toileting issues with their children."
"The Toilet Training Pants are a Lifesaver!" (BIG KID PANTS WITH THE WATERPROOF LAYER)
By Alysha 10th February, 2022
"These toilet training pants were a life saver, so I would highly recommend them to anyone toilet training their child. They take a lot of the stress away around toilet training as they are very absorbent and able to contain little accidents well. My toddler finds them comfortable and likes the colourful patterns on the fabric, which is a bonus. I was also very impressed with the delivery time which was unbelievably fast. It was also cute that the envelope was addressed to my daughter, with a cute hand drawn cartoon that made the delivery much more special and personal. Thank you so much!"
"Poo Challenge Completely Overcome with My Loveable Lamb" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Marleen 12th November, 2019
Hi Tracy
Update: 3 weeks later and not a single accident in sight. Poo challenge completely overcome, still tells us he needs to go but what a trooper our LL has been. Huge day today as we rewarded him with a MEGA prize for 21 days of accident free poos! Thank you again for your support and your system. It definitely works.
Marleen and Simon and LL Ryan
29/10/19 - 3 weeks earlier.....
Hi Tracy
I can't thank you enough for providing the right tools to help our 3.5 year old Loveable Lamb overcome his poo challenge. He showed interest in doing wees in the toilet just after he turned three. He would go to the toilet first thing in the morning and just before his evening bath. Other than that, forget it, he was too busy playing to worry about going to the toilet. Fast forward six months and with Kindy looming, we needed to get him out of his nappies. Your resources gave us an insight to his behaviours and character.
Our little LL started off really well, he loved the box with his name on it, the yum yums were an instant hit and he couldn't wait to start being a big boy like daddy and using the weeman. Two days later he's got the wees sorted, he even managed to do a couple of poos in the toilet. Then we hit a snag! He would run and hide and poo in his undies - getting to the toilet was just too hard - it meant he had to stop playing. He would hold on when the timer went off as as soon as he was off the toilet, he would run away, then tell me he'd done a poo in his undies. I was tearing my hair out, dreading going out (he even managed to poo in his undies during school drop off). A quick email to Tracy, some hints and tips, a re-read of the resources and a reinvigorated "system" and within 5 days our poo challenge is gone! Having to clean up his own mess (the hard way) to pooing in the toilet (the easy way) and getting his prizes and rewards has worked a charm. Our little LL really, and I mean really, hates the timer and having to clean up his own mess. When he realised it was cleaner and easier to poo in the toilet - jackpot! I guess the prize box and the ice-cream after each successful poo have helped too.
Thank you so much for your tools, your resources and your prompt responses to emails.
Happy LL Ryan and Happy parents!
24/10/19 - 5 days earlier......
Good afternoon Tracy
Thank you for such a wonderful potty training program. I knew with my youngest (a boy) that I would have to take a different approach than the one I used with my daughter. I'm not one to write seeking advice, but I'm at my wits' end. I'm dealing with a poo challenge and am tired of cleaning up the mess on a daily basis.
Yes, I have a poo challenge on my hands with my Lovable Lamb. He's 3.5 years old and while he has been doing wees in the toilet first thing in the morning and before bath, we could never motivate him enough to get him out of his nappy during the day. After 3 months, I admit, we gave up and decided to try again in 3 months -- at 3.5 years. We've been training now for 3 weeks. Wees have been no problem, he's also dry at night (although we still have him in a nappy as he has the odd accident). We've had huge issues with sleep and only since commencing toilet training has he been sleeping solidly for 10-11 hours so we don't want to mess with his sleep by removing the night nappy.
Our poo challenge is that after the first two days of being excited to play the dumpy and the gang game, to bombing the toilet yum yums, this is now no longer exciting to him. He also has at least 1-2 wee accidents per day as he tells us after he's done a wee in his undies that he's wet himself. I feel I need to remind him it's time to do a wee and I know that this is not the right way to approach the Lovable Lamb -- I just don't want any more accidents on my carpets... Unless I watch him like a hawk and catch him at the right moment, he will run and hide and poo in his undies. He also has no problem being dirty - surprisingly he does not like being wet.
We are at a loss as to how to impress on him that it would be 'easier' for all involved for him to do wees and poos in the toilet. We are using the prize box for positive behaviours (telling us he's had an accident, taking himself and making it to the toilet on time) and we've even rewarded him with his favourite treat - ice-cream - when he's succesfully done a poo in the toilet.
Is there anything that we are missing that would make this process easier for all concerned?
Thank you in anticipation, Marleen (a frustrated mummy).
By Dani 12th November, 2019
Thankyou so much for sending the package for Ruby so quickly!! The undies are so gorgeous!!! I have friends and sisters who have little ones toilet training son so I'll DEFINITELY be recommending your products (& service :) ). Ruby is my 4th and last to toilet train and I wish I found you with my first! :) Dani
"It's a MIRACLE - My son pooed on the toilet!" (DUMPY DUMP TRUCK DIGITAL SYSTEM)
By Dani 11th November, 2019
HI JUST TO LET YOU KNOW THE MIRACLE HAPPENED! My son overcame his fear and finally let go on the toilet! In his case, I think it helped that he got lots and lots of prizes for each step of the way, as opposed to one every fifth time like on chart. I didn't think it would happen. Thank you so much! I shall be spreading the word.
"Know Your Child Workshop was Extremely Helpful!" (KNOW YOUR CHILD | TOILET TRAINING WORKSHOP)
By Natalie 15th October, 2019
Hi Tracy
Thank you so much for last night, it was extremely helpful and I can’t wait to get started with my daughter on the weekend!
Kind Regards, Natalie. (Lilyfield Early Learning Centre)
"Toilet Trained in 6 Short Days!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Rebecca 5th October, 2019
Hi Tracy,
I emailed you a while back regarding my son & just wanted to give you an update. In the end we decided to wait a while (at the time I had a 2month old baby).
But anyway, after being sent home from daycare with a tummy bug last week we ended up with some nasty nappy rash and I had my son in undies to help his skin out. Turns out he is beyond ready for toilet training and in 6 short days he is now telling us when he needs the toilet, or if he’s busy and we ask him around the time he’s due he’ll toddle off to the toilet. Today is the first day we haven’t had any accidents! He is quite proud to receive a prize or a lolly for his efforts and proudly states “no more nappies”.
I decided too to go the full way and dived in to going out in undies as well! So far so good! I hope he keeps it up.. and at the moment we’re working on poos in the toilet too. Then we’ll move onto night time.
Thank you for your program. I am glad we persevered. Again at the 3 day mark we had the defiance come out but using your strategies we managed to talk him into going. Daycare is also on board with us and he’s doing really well there too (only 3 accidents in the 3 days he goes!)
- one proud mama of a nearly 21/2 year old!
"Know Your Child Workshop was Extremely Helpful!" (KNOW YOUR CHILD | TOILET TRAINING WORKSHOP)
By Sheree 26th September, 2019
Good morning,
Thank you so much for coming along last night. It was a great evening! Lots of positive feedback.
Kind Regards, Sheree. (Redbank Plains Early Education Centre)
"Toilet Trained in 2 Weeks!" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Alicia 17th September, 2019
How is toilet training going?
Very good, used first training module and she was toilet trained within 2 weeks. You did a workshop at our daycare
By Brittany 6th September, 2019
How is toilet training going?
I saw you at the Markets 8 years ago. Had great success with 1st child. Using again with my next.
"WOW, I Can Already See the Difference!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Sarah 21st August, 2019
Hi Tracy,
Thank you so much for your email and for speaking with me today. I have implemented a few changes this afternoon and WOW I can already see the difference!!! He isn't crying when on the toilet, loves opening the prizes on the toilet and have had lots of successful wee's this afternoon! (No poos yet, but I don't think it will be long)
Thank you!!!! I'm feeling so upbeat and positive after our phone conversation.
Thanks again, Sarah.
"A Miracle - 2 Days Overcame a Poo Challenge!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Katrina 8th August, 2019
After battling the “Poo Challenge” for our son (would only poo in his nappy) for some time, we were delighted when he successfully did a poo in the toilet on the second day after receiving this pack!! He is delighted also and loves being part of Dumpy's gang. The information about the different personalities has also been very useful. Thanks so much. I have told everyone who will listen about the website!
"Overcame the Poo Challenge in Days!" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Karen 2nd August, 2019
I just wanted to say thank you for sharing your wealth of knowledge and experience and offering such useful products to assist in toilet training.
I was lost as to how to encourage my 3.5yo to overcome the 6 month poo challenge rutt we were in. I ordered your toilet system on the 12th of July and your personality test did wonders right from the get go. I am mostly loveable lamb (my procrastinating nature the true reason we started so late I now believe) while my daughter is a combination of cheeky monkey/loveable lamb who also manages a firm "no". With this information I could then approach the problem in a different way and within days she went from total toilet-for-poo refusal to having a go and that then lead to success a couple of days later. We've had a full 7 days without pooey pants! Happy mum, happy child!
The game was great but the big winning elements or us were the prize box, the toilet tickets and the personality test.
Many Thanks,
Karen, Hazels mummy.
"Pottytraining.com.au - " (PBC Expo Workshop)
By Manuela 22nd July, 2019
Hi Tracy,
As part of our Post Expo Visitor Research we ask the question “Who was your favourite Exhibitor, and why?
Several comments were entered about PottyTraining.com.au and I know how nice it is to get feedback, so thought I would pass this on. Many Visitors listed your stand name as their favourite exhibitor, however these visitors wrote a little testimony as well:
- Not sure of the name, but was regarding toilet training. Benefit to me was I know nothing about toilet training!
- Pottytraining was great!
- Pottytraining, it was really worth it.
- Potty training exhibitor. In the middle of helping train an 18 month old and was amazed by the incentives suggestions. Things new to me which I will try.
- Pottytraining.com.au was the best.
- Potty training very knowledgeable.
- Potty Training. They were so informative and also had lots of products that would help you in training too.
- Pottytraining.com.au because she was happy to answer questions.
- The potty training exhibitor, right beside the petting animals. very helpful as grandchild has just started potty training
Out of all the Exhibitors across our floor, it was great to see that many Visitors saw you as their stand out favourite, so well done!
Kind Regards,
Manuela. Pregnancy Baby and Children's Expo.
"Results Within 1 Day - 8 months old" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Bianca 17th July, 2019
Attempted to start EC at about 4 months, but have always had issues getting my baby to actually sit on the potty. Since meeting you at the expo, I have managed to get Leon to sit on the potty briefly by using the strategies you mentioned - changing my language and distracting him. I am very keen to download the parent module - if going from complete resistance to sitting on the potty within 1 day is any indication, this just might be painless!! Thank you :)
"22 Months Old - Toilet Trained in 3 days!" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Jodie 6th July, 2019
Ava was day trained within 3 days using your system when she was 22 months old. We are now moving on to night training!
By Becc 3rd July, 2019
My aunt followed your programme and loved it! Jorji's been showing signs shes ready - Starting at 17months.
By Alison 19th June, 2019
"We had Great Success... Brilliant Resources" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Melanie 11th June, 2019
Hello Tracy,
I purchased your ultimate toilet training system (physical kit) including the Wee man and Lupi loo in 2013 to train my son. We had great success and they are brilliant resources. I recommended them to other mums looking for assistance. Fast forward to 2019 and it's now time to toilet train our second son! I've just dug the kit out and am familiarising myself with all the content and resources once again. The yum yums as I remember them were a huge hit with Emlyn!
Kind Regards,
"20 Month Old and 2 Year Old Toilet Trained in One Week" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Amy 29th May, 2019
Hello Tracey,
I am CONSTANTLY sharing my stories with friends and clients as I have success with BOTH my girls very quickly with your system!!!
I have a 4 yr old girl who is a typical "cheeky monkey" and a 20 month old girl who is 100% Courageous Lion and they were both day trained within ONE WEEK!!!!!
Tracey came to daycare when my eldest had just turned 2 and much to my surprise, insisted on me commencing potty training with her "BEFORE" bub number two was born which was only a month away! She explained that i would have more time with just one child and we jumped on board the next weekend. Sure enough, after following the program she nailed it! Toilet time was a full song and dance performance and the prize box was the most exciting time of her day! Night training we completed two months later with great success!
When it came to Miss Independence, I thought id start a little earlier, as she was wanting to be like big sister and sit on the toilet anyway. We got rid of the nappy altogether, and unlike the first child we had no choice but to risk leaving the house. Yes there was a few accidents for the first two days, but she very quickly realised what was going on, at the same time WE got to undrestand her bladder size and when to "PUT HER" on the toilet, not wait for her indication, as she cant even talk properly yet!
The biggest tip Tracey gave us was "Dont ask them when they need to go as their natural response is NO" and at 20 months old thias couldnt be more true. Grace was fully potty trained within a week and we are about to bite the bullet and jump into night training! NO MORE NAPPIES!!!!!!! Nailed day training in one week and about to start night training which she is pretty much doing anyways! – Woo Hoo!!!!
Thank you so much!!
"Our Loveable Lamb Was Excited!" (ULTIMATE TOILET TRAINING SYSTEM)
By Emma 3rd May, 2019
Hi Tracy
Thank you so much for the toilet training kit. Our "loveable lamb" was really excited to open the box and see what was inside. It's the most enthusiastic he's been about going to the toilet since we started training.
Harry "loveable lamb" and (frustrated parents)
"Focusing on Her Needs Really Has Made Such a Difference!" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Alicia, 1st May, 2019
Hi Tracy
Focusing on her particular needs really has made such a difference and I feel we are doing really well. It’s even helping at meal times too! After a week, Olivia is consistently telling me when she needs to go , despite the occasional wee accident (still roughly one little accident a day). Going from always wearing nappies for 2 whole years, I feel this is pretty good!
Many thanks, Alicia.
"Overcame the Poo Challenge!" (ULTIMATE TOILET TRAINING SYSTEM)
By Kate, 29th April, 2019
Purchased System Feb, 2019 - Mastered wees for well over 6 months, have tried everything but still wants to poo in a nappy
April, 2019 - Toilet yum yums are a hit!
"I Can't Thank You Enough for This Kit!" (ULTIMATE TOILET TRAINING SYSTEM)
By Tara, 12th March, 2019
I can’t thank you enough with this kit - we only needed to do the child personality test and implement the approach recommended for our cheeky monkey and in a few short days Ms 3 yrs was quite easily helped to get on the toilet, and she is thrilled with herself for being so clever.
She has only had two accidents total so was clearly ready but we just needed to make it fun. We gathered all her teddys and animal soft toys to start off with for a few performances in the bathroom, and we also did a special dance together down the hallway to the bathroom, she loves to twirl and dance like a ballerina!
Surprisingly she has been dry overnight for the past 3 nights too!
Kind regards, Tara.
"Now Pooing on the Toilet!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK) + Potette Plus
By Pattie, 25th February, 2019
Before We Started: Very slow, pees ok but not outside of the home. Refuses to poo in toilet
Thank you so much for your product
Benny is now doing his #2’s in the toilet Plus he can now use public toilets.
Nappy free for 2 weeks now....so happy.
Using those personality info for swimming and other household chores suitable for a toddler!
Thanks again Tracy!
"Overcame a Poo Challenge in Less Than 2 Weeks!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Danielle, 14th January, 2019
Before We Started: We tried about a year ago but he was just not getting it. He’s pretty good with doing wee on the toilet but poo is a problem.
Toilet training is going Great! Day training is done thanks to you guys! Did it in less than 2 weeks!
"A few days later we had success!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Kathleen, 6th November, 2018
Just wanted to share our success story with our DS following the potty training system. Our DS had just turned 3 when we began the potty training system. We followed the system to the letter after finding out we had a cheeky monkey. Lots of praise, fun, prizes, stickers and games saw him engage with process really well and within 3 days he was successfully wee trained.
Number 2's were a different story! Since birth our DS had a tendency so do number 2's during his day sleep. He would wake daily having soiled himself and not being aware. Hence, getting him to realise the need to poo was difficult. This continued on despite being wee trained for approximately 2 weeks.
In attempt to solve this problem we increased his fibre intake - lots of raw fresh fruit and veggies, chia seeds added to everything, and lots of fluids including a new found love of prune juice. On top of this we ensured he was really physically active in hope this would get things moving at a different time of day. A few days later we had success! When on the toilet he did number 2 which took him a bit by surprise. We amped up the praise and headed straight to the prize box which he ate right up! 3 days later he's telling me 'poos' and off he goes happily to the toilet.
Thanks for this amazing system that focuses on the positive and not shaming our children. Too often toilet training is a source of anxiety for the parents which only makes it worse for the little one. Making it fun with lots of praise and encouragement makes it another opportunity to connect with our children and teach them another skill for life!
Thanks again,
"I have full faith in this program" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Manda, 20th September, 2018
I used the yum yums and told her she needs to wee on them. She got on the toilet straight away and did a wee!!
I have full faith in this program and have been telling everyone I can about it!!
Thank you,
"Great News - We Had Success" (DRY NIGHTS PACK)
By Natalia 19th September, 2018
Evening Tracy,
Great news - we had success with the boys - we had our second dry and clean night as well as dry and clean day sleeps since Saturday!
Cheers, Natalia.
"The Strategies Work The Best" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Kate, 29th August, 2018
Hi Tracy,
Thank you, I really appreciate the time you’ve taken to reply to my email. These tips have given us a little more confidence and yesterday we manage to do a poo on the toilet! I’m definitely seeing the light at the end of the tunnel and I know that she will get there eventually. As you suggested, the courageous lion strategies are really what work the best for her.
Thanks again,
"Thank you for such a detailed and helpful product" (ULTIMATE TOILET TRAINING SYSTEM)
By Nicole, 27th August, 2018
Hi Tracey,
I just wanted to take a moment to thank you for the wonderful advice and products you offer.
Emerson is 3 1/2 and we started potty training at 2 1/2 simply because we thought 2 was the best age and that we should start in warm weather so we started in Spring. Emerson is a full proof Loveable Lamb with a touch of Courages Lion. We were nodding our heads and laughing at how exact your description of him was. It was no surprise that they are the hardest to train!!!
I had talked to many family members and friends about how hard he was to train with poos and NO ONE gave the advice that you did. We had -
-Hold off and wait until he wants to
-Put in back in nappies so he feels like a baby
-Be firm
-Don’t worry – one day it will just click
After 11 months of pooey undies in the laundry sink, I started my own online research and that’s how we found you. (Wees were fine btw)
We had tried prizes in the early days and didn’t have luck. I know now why as I had them on the pantry shelf and would show him them to inspire him. Eventually, he got sick of looking at them and didn’t even want them anymore. Typical Loveable Lamb I now know!!
We have a prize box now and all his prizes wrapped and the ‘not knowing’ what’s inside motivates him to find out. It seems so simple, but wow does it work. Wish I’d known 18months ago!!!!
My husband and I were being too firm with him and making him feel bad for pooing his pants. We made a strong and united decision to speak in the way you’d advised and it really changed his attitude to going to the toilet.
He was going in the corner of a room before and refusing to go to the toilet when we said ‘you need a poo.’ After making a prize box and filling it with presents and doing the reward chart, he would willing go to the toilet after we spotted him needing to go.
This willingly going when spotted, turned into him telling us he need to and has now turned into him heading to the toilet himself and telling us as he goes. At first he would start in his pants and finish in the loo and after just one week he now gets the whole poo in the loo!!!
We were at our wits end before we found you and within 2 weeks he's willingly pooing in the toilet. We are so grateful and are spreading the word to all our friends with babies and toddlers.
Thank you for such a detailed and helpful product. The personality test and advice to parents is priceless.
Kind Regards,
Nicole & Brett & Emerson :)
"Toilet refusal to fully trained in a month" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Nina 22nd February, 2018
Hi Tracey!
Just a note to say your amazing system got my three-year-old from straight out refusal to even sit on a potty, to fully trained in a month. Really, really grateful. I'll write up a review for Kidspot soon x
"Things are so much more happy in my house" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By Eric 12th February, 2018
I know it has been over a month since we ordered your system and I have been intending to write for a while. As we had talked about, my wife and I were having such a frustrating time trying to potty train our 3-year old daughter that we stopped for 2 weeks. We knew this was a risk in setting her back by stopping any (even small) momentum that had built up. But things were getting so Stressful for all of us that we didn't see any other choice. This was where you came in. By watching your videos and reading the manuals and personality types, we were better equipped when we re-started. What we realized was that when we tried the first time, we had no idea what we were doing and I am sure our daughter was just as confused. During the break, we talked to her about it and prepared her so that when we re-started, she knew what was happening. Your small ideas like letting her pick out her own underwear and decorate the prize box were so brilliant - in retrospect it seems so obvious, but it really made her happy to play a part.
When we re-started, we modified the system a little bit to fit our daughter and what we knew would motivate her. You were dead on right - knowing her personality made all the difference. After 1 week - done! Completely potty trained with wees. I still can't believe it happened and that it happened that fast. Full disclosure - I was out of town for most of that week, so that probably helped just as much as I was not handling the process well and causing more stress. But what is done is done - it worked! Poos are going much slower, but we will get there and now I have confidence that it can be done!
I have told so many people about the personality types and they are surprised that they have never heard of that. We love the small portable toilet with liners as well - genius product! If you ever wanted to expand your business, there are millions of parents in the United States that would pay hundreds of dollars for your system!
Thank you again for what you have done and for your individualized help that you have provided for my family. Things are so much more happy in my house now that our daughter can get herself to the toilet herself. Now if we can only get her to use her toilet instead of ours.....
Eric and Joanne
"22 Months and Toilet Trained in 3 Days - Even waking up Dry"
By: Jodie: 31 January, 2018 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi Tracy,
I just wanted to give you a bit of feedback about how we are going with toilet training little miss Ava (FYI - Ava was 2 days shy of 22 months old when we started her day toilet training).
So we started training first thing in the morning on 19/01/2018 (Friday) and went into lock down at home from that day with a plan to stay home until the following Monday morning.
The Friday and Saturday were quite intense LOL and we had quite a few accidents and some resistance from Ava on the Saturday. However, we changed our tactics a little from Saturday afternoon and we have been accident free (at home - in her knickers/on the floor) since the Sunday morning. From our perspective - at home anyway - she is day trained. She also wakes up from her naps with a dry nappy 9/10 and we have even had a few dry nappies overnight.
Anyway - we feel it has been a great success so we wanted to pass on our thanks. We are very happy that we purchased the package, as we would not have known where to start otherwise. We have been recommending it to our friends as we feel it was a great investment.
Thanks again.
"You're Amazing!" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By Brooke 22nd January, 2018
Background: 3.5 year old refusing to even sit on the toilet to poo – trying for a year – Wee trained, night trained. Collected Pack and first message that day.
OMG! He’s sitting on the toilet trying to do a poo!! You’re amazing! Thanks so much! Brooke x
Hello! The annoying Charlie has worked a treat! We’ve had a poo in the toilet and he’s running off to wee without having to be reminded! Thanks so much. Brooke
Hello! I hope you don’t mind me texting again! Charlie has had his first two days at kindy and no orange tags on his bag when we pick him up! Orange tag = soiled clothing to pick up in the laundry area. He’s doing so well now and we got a handle on it quick smart after I spoke with you on the phone. I can’t stop singing your praises to anyone who will listen. Thanks so much. Brooke x
Such a helpful tool (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By: Bek 22nd January, 2018
"Thank you for giving me my confidence back!" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By: Simone, 17th January, 2018
Hi Tracy
Just a quick note to thank you for your time and advice last week.You were so right; it was my blockage (Luca is scared of the potty)... and changing this has seen us have great success.. We are not full time toilet training because Luca is at kindy etc, but when we take the nappy off we have wees and today, poos (3) in the potty (one in the toilet). I know this is a lot of detail... sorry... I'm just excited.
We are still in the early days, but so in the right direction.
Thank you for giving me my confidence back!!
Regards, Simone.
"I am really excited to start now" (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
By A Very Excited Mum 10th January, 2018
Hi Tracy,
Thanks so much for your help yesterday. I re-read the "Courageous Lion" section and spoke with my little girl’s educators this morning - they agree hands down she is a bossy independent leader LOL. I also got to observe her playing with some other children this morning and those observations are well in line with a CL personality It was much less overwhelming the second time around and I am starting to feel better about it all.
I also read over the Wise Old Owl parents section - and got some insight on how I could be hindering my child’s toilet training with some of my personality traits (I think I am a strong WOO in the weaknesses area, but maybe some of my strengths lie elsewhere?) so I will be mindful of this so I do not make the process harder for my child
I am actually really excited to start now - and we have set a date to start, so we can get everything ready and be fully prepared
So no actual questions here - I just wanted to let you know that your "pep talk" yesterday was extremely helpful.
Kind regards,
A Very Excited Mum.
Terrific training pants
"We are so so happy with your program" (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By: Kylie 14th December, 2017
Hi Tracy! Just come to say wow! We are so so happy with your program. Our little man had had two failed attempts at training. Here we are, day three and he is now taking himself to the potty! Knowing his personality and how to use that to our advantage really was the secret to success! I had trained three boys before him. I definitely made mistakes! With Master W and a very big age gap I felt like I had forgotten how to toilet train. Today we will leave the home for the first time! Im recommending this program to heaps of friends and family especially my sister in law with her twins! Thank you so much for helping us as parents find our confidence and in turn helping us give our little man confidence and control (or the illusion of!) :)
By: Alex 14th December, 2017
Have purchased the night time undies from you before, quite a while ago, and they were suddenly night trained in two nights! (Twin boys.)
"Know Your Child" makes all the difference! (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
By: Sarah, 11th December 2017
An amazing difference in just getting his personality right, he is happy to sit on the toilet now.
6 Days Earlier….
Thinks a monster will eat him if he sits on the toilet, scared to go, if we put him on there he screams and cries. Would rather hide when doing a poo and run away from us when we want to change the poo nappy.
20 months old
I am pleased to say Isabella is now toilet trained (day). It took about 2 weeks, she's 20 months old. I plan to tackle night training shortly. Thanks Tracey
From Childcare Director
By: Kelly, 30th October 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
I wanted to share with you their wonderful news (a family from chilcare centre) – their daughter Zara is now fully toilet trained and having no accidents. The family extend their sincere thanks to you Tracy and your awesome system – they are simply delighted with such a quick result!!
Trained in a week!
By: Rita, 27th September 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi there, I purchased your online potty training package and it was a huge success for my daughter and within a week she was toilet trained. Thank you!
Proud Mummy!
By: Jacinta, 4th September 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi I'm delighted to let you know Scarlett is doing her poos in the toilet since 16th of August, Scarlett, Mummy & Daddy are super proud. It was definitely a battle for all we tried all the options & one day Scarlett didn't like having poo in her nickers anymore.
On the 2nd of June the nappy was put in the bin & not one has been put on since so in 2.5 months we have a fully toilet trained little girl at 3.3 years.
Mr Poo song
By: Catherine (Smelly Song)
"All the pieces of the puzzle"
By: Emily: 4 August, 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
"She is Tiana the Fighter of Germs!"
By: Sara: 20 April, 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Background Information: Ruby refused to sit on the toilet prior to using the Ultimate Toilet Training System. She would wee beside the toilets at kindy she was that fearful of using a toilet.
Hi Tracy
OMG Ruby is doing very well, so well that she still thinks she is Tiana the fighter of germs and is teaching all the kids at kindy how to use the toilet haha. She knows her Bella book back to front and is trying to read it on her own and has memorized many of the lines. We are still reading it before bed every night STILL as requested by Ruby haha.... Attached are some photo's. We treated Ruby to a big holiday adventure for Easter for being to clever with her toilet training and the first thing she said once we got to the hotel was "Mum...where's the lupti lu" and BAM she had to use the new toilet. At the beach the line was so huge for the toilet so out came the Potette. She loved it!
Cheers Sara.
"Excellent Customer Service"
By: Shelley: 5 April, 2017
Thanks for the excellent customer service.
"Huge Success After Just One Day - AND - A Dry Night!"
By: Rhelle, 18 March, 2017 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Good Morning Tracy,
Just wanted to touch base and let you know how we were travelling… Quinn has done an amazing job after only beginning the program yesterday morning. We got ready and did all the preparation the night before – reading the book together, making the prize box and going shopping for big boy underpants. Then when he woke up, he was very excited to empty all of his baby nappies into the garbage bin ready for the bin truckie man to come and take them all away.
We took him to sit on the toilet each hour, having fun with books and bubbles and whistles while we encouraged him to try and push out his wees and poos. He had a great time, and was asking to sit on the toilet by the end of the day.
We only had 1 wee accident on day one, and Quinn was soooooo excited when he did his very first poo on the big boy toilet! I couldn’t believe it :) Another amazing achievement was that he spent his first night without a nappy on and woke up completely dry!
I know it has only been 1 day, but I am just amazed with how well he is going! Thank you so much for all of your help and support! You have been an absolute life-saver xx
Your typical uptight, stressed and emotional “Wise Old Owl” mummy. haha!
"Personality Test is Amazing!"
By: Sara: 27 February, 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi Tracy.
Hope this email finds you well. Hubby and I did the personality test tonight. Its AMAZING!!! As expected she is a wise old owl. The second highest personality was so fitting. She was a courageous lion..... I just wanted to share because im so excited to start our journey this Saturday with no nappy etc. We are going to get the book out tomorrow and make the Prize Box on Friday ready for Saturday :).
Im so excited!!!
"Your System has been a Great Success!
By: Kerry, 21 February, 2017 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Your system has been a great success thank you! I wish I had thought of you sooner.
Kind Regards
Kerry"No More Wee on the Floor - Wee Targets are Brilliant!!!"
By: Katrinna: 14 February, 2017 (WEE TARGET)
I just want to say thank you. I received my item last Friday and my son LOVES it! He's so excited to go to the potty to see the train picture and I haven't had to mop up a drop since he started using it. It's brilliant!!!
"Excellent Customer Service"
By: Kathy: 24 January, 2017 LUPI LU
Thank you very much Tracy.
Excellent customer service
I will definitely recommend ur company to my friends
Thank you, Kathy
"Wonderful Service"
By: Mel: 13 January, 2017
Thanks for getting onto it so quickly for me, wonderful service.
"A Lot of Success with my Daughter who has Down Syndrome - Thank you!"
By: Shalee: 2 January, 2017 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Good morning!
My daughter has had a lot of success using your day training methods - is the night time system a completely new pack to purchase, or is the technique just the same? We would like to start on this ASAP. MY daughter Violet is 2.5yrs, has Down syndrome and you asked that I keep you up to date with her progress. It has been great so far, sometimes accidents, but mostly dry!! Sleep times are an issue however so we thought we should cease the moment and move on to this area..
Thank you! Shalee
"No signs of Readiness, done in 4 days"
Totally agree on the 'may not show signs of readiness' My son was 22m old & is a loveable lamb & showed absolutely NO 'signs'...none...and we fully toilet trained him in 4 days (thanks to your program!) & he has been night trained for 2 months... However he still doesn't go by himself...he just let's me know when he needs to go & i take him... sucks but he isnt even 2.5yrs yet, so hopefully soon he will want to do it himself!
Tracy's reply..... That is truly fantastic he is letting you know, particularly for a Loveable Lamb! You should be very proud of him and yourself for getting to that stage so quickly, and it is because you started early that has helped in that area - before the bad habit of going in the nappy was reinforced further. The Loveable Lamb will prefer things to be done for them - effectively the lazy personality take the easy path, so knowing this helps you work on your game plan. Taking himself needs to be your focus and use "Prize with Purpose" to start the baby steps forward to achieve this. Practice it first to create ownership. When he tells you "Well done for telling Mummy, I am so proud of you, let's grab a prize and you can open it up on the toilet after you pull your pants down yourself....." Start with the little steps and show first. Get him to hook his thumbs into the pants and demonstrate how it is easier to pull down that way. Next step... "Well done for pulling your pants down and up yourself, I am so proud of you, let's get a prize...." Reinforce the behaviour you want repeated with this positive, fun thing and move forward bit by bit so you are covering each aspect of independence. Let him know what he has done well and reset the goal for next time what we can cover then. Next step wiping, Mummy start, you finish..... that sort of thing, so he practices each time until you can step away. Well done!!! Just brilliant.
“Toilet Training is Going Great thanks to you guys!! Awesome program!!”
Hi Tracy,
Our Wilson was a reluctant toilet trainer who really did not want to part with his nappy even though he is now 4 years old. He would become very distressed at the mere mention of using the toilet.
Mum then mentioned she had seen your potty training site and thank goodness she had found you! We bought the "Dumpy and the Gang kit" and there has been a complete turn around!! Plus the toilet Yum Yums have been awesome too!! He enjoys aiming at them!! Quite a fun game for him and really helped him focus!!
Thanks to your kit we were able to actually get Wilson into the bathroom and once we started reading the Dumpy book he relaxed and was laughing and really enjoyed the experience of meeting all the characters. Also having the special sticker chart really helped him as he enjoys working towards to the rewards. Stickers look fantastic too and reinforce the wonderful characters in the "Dumpy and the Gang Story"!!
As parents this "Dumpy and the Gang kit" has been a dream come true. As it helped us identify our Wilson's personality (we discovered he fitted into the Wise Old Owl category perfectly). So this helped us understand as parents what he was going through and the reasons as to why he was finding it difficult to make changes in something that he had been used to for so long. With this kit it gave us the skills as parents to work with Wilson and of course the reward system has been a great idea for him!! He enjoys putting the stickers on the chart and working towards his surprise gifts. We actually decided to buy a Star Wars Pinata and we have wrapped lots of small gifts and put them inside (we enlarged the opening of the pinata and popped the pressies inside). Wilson sees this pinata every time he goes to the toilet and he knows he is working towards getting a lucky dip prize!!
So using your awesome "Dumpy and the Gang Kit" along with the Yum Yums has been absolutely awesome. Dumpy and the Gang are such wonderful characters which Wilson has been able to relate to and it has given us a good laugh as parents after having such a stressful time in the past. We always leave the book on show in the bathroom too and it is re-read on many occasion along with other story books. Also we have found decorating the bathroom with Wilson's drawings and pictures has helped too!! He loves the smelly song too by the way and dances along to it.
So thanks to you all over there at Potty Training. We would not only recommend this program to parents who are toilet training for the first time but also to parents who like ourselves were unsuccessful in the past and so stressed out. Thanks to Dumpy and the Gang we regained the confidence to give it another go and the enthusiasm to have another go!! Also would you believe it - our son now initiates the visits to the bathroom. He now goes with confidence and is so proud of himself!! He is so loving being out of nappies and being so independent.
You are more than welcome Tracy to share this message on your site for other parents to read. Our pleasure.
Thanks again for all your help and support and wonderful service and for keeping in touch.
From two grateful parents. Jo and John.
We Were Pulling Our Hair Out.... Now We Understand Our Son!
By Julia: 29 July, 2016 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Hi Tracey,
My husband and I were pulling our hair out trying to toilet train our first. We went through a whole gamut of emotions, from naively thinking he'll do it himself when he's ready, to reprimanding him for having an accident or hiding to poo which we thought he was doing on purpose. I questioned everything about myself and got to the stage where I really felt helpless & a terrible mother. Everybody that I spoke to about it seemed to have a better experience than I was having. It wasn't until I came across the Ultimate Toilet Training System that everything fell into place, for me first then for my son. I realised that what I was asking my son to do, he had never done before in his life. And I developed a better understanding of how to teach my son. I never understood what people meant by "make it fun" until Tracey enlightened me to find anything positive in even what seems like the most dire of situations. An accident in his pants turned into "oh well, good boy for telling mummy you've done a wee/poo. Where do our wees and poos go? In the toilet." It wasn't long until his behaviour started to change, and that glimmer of hope was all I needed to relax and think "I've got this, he's got this, we WILL get there!" Soon enough, that first wee went into the Weeman and we haven't looked back.
Your Service is Amazing!
By Danni-elle: 18 July, 2016
I just want to say your service is amazing, i ordered 3 of the toilet training underwear today and they got here today, that's amazing! Thank you so much!
After Struggling for So Long - Just 3 Days To Overcome & Within 2 Weeks Night Trained! I am Raving to Anyone Who Will Listen....
By Aiva: 10 July, 2016 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Hi Tracy,
I really couldn't sum up how happy with are with the products and support we have received in just a few words. I am happy for you to include all or parts of the below to let other struggling parents and care givers out there know just how amazing our experience has been.
Thanks, Aiva
Our son was 2 ½ and not only refusing to use the toilet but refusing to change his soiled nappy, throwing tantrums, even to the point of running to the bin to take a dirty nappy out to put back on. The ‘experts kept telling us that our son would let us know when he was ready and not to force the issues, so we waited and waited, even though my gut feel was that this wouldn’t change anything, how could doing the same thing have a different outcome. Each helpline we called said we were doing the right thing and we should just keep trying. We persevered, and tried everything…removing the nappy and somehow expecting our son to let us know when he needed to use the toilet, rewarding, punishing, asking him if he needed to go every 5 minutes, which of course he would reply no to instantly and then 10 seconds later, proceed to go on the floor. This was causing real anxiety and tension in our house.
We needed help!
By some small miracle, that we happened to turn on the T.V when you were on the Shark Tank. I was really sceptical at first, another company selling some elusive dream, a happy toilet trained toddler in just days or weeks… how much would this cost me and would I be disappointed!
After a a few initial emails to the team to work out the best product for us, we have never looked back!
We ordered the starter kit and my son was so happy to receive his potty training package, addressed specifically to him with a car on the front. We did the personality test and we could see that our strong courageous lion, with a little cheeky monkey mixed in, was determined not to give in. This was because all the techniques we were using were the exact opposite of the techniques you provided us.
We spent the first few days getting ourselves comfortable with the toolkit and steps and our son comfortable with what was going to happen. We read our fantastic Dumpy and the Gang book at every opportunity. Within 2 days my son had memorised the catchy story and we knew it was time to start. Off came the nappy and we had success on our first day and no accidents. I could not believe it was happening and was sure it was just a fluke. It only took 3 days to have him toilet trained including day naps.
Within 2 weeks he was night trained and we have only had a few accidents since.
The Super Weeman is his favourite product, so much so that we now have one for each bathroom.
I am raving to anyone who will listen about just how amazing and simple this process is and how supportive the team are.
I wish that all the help lines, clinics and support groups out there, who we were encouraged to contact, would have told us about you and your products.
We have our second baby on the way soon and I am so confident to start the process earlier and avoid those months of stress we all experienced.
My 23 Month Old is Doing Awesome..... So Happy I Have Your Pack!
By Rebeka: 8 July, 2016 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi Tracy,
I have been toilet training her (23mth old) for three weeks now. She'd doing awesome! I'm really happy I started when I did and so happy I have your guide and pack.
The last few days shes had no accidents and asks me or tells me when she needs to go to the toilet. She's done poos on the toilet too.
Thanks, Bek.
Night Trained in 2 Days.....
Hi my name is Amanda I came to your workshop at Kindy Patch Groverly Childcare on Tuesday night and it was great I just wanna say my daughter was night trained in 2 nights. She is 3yrs old in August.
Major Poo Challenge for Months - then 4 DAYS DONE!!!
Hi Tracy, I just wanted to contact you to say a heartfelt thank you.
After purchasing the digital version and implementing your system last week our little girl only took 4 days to be totally trained. Our courageous lion is now a little toilet pro, she loves going and is so proud when she gets her tokens. Last night she even took herself to do a poo in the "big girl toilet" all by herself, proudly announcing it to the whole house when she had finished.
We have been having major poo challengers over the last few months, she was holding on for days and was so scared to go. It was such a stressful time in our house, I am 6 months pregnant so was starting to panic we weren't going to be able to sort it out before baby number 2 arrives. So last nights poo success was a major achievement in our house. So thank you again, it's been life changing. Now on to the night training... Thanks so much, Jess
The Personality Profiling is Amazing..... I'm over the moon!
By Nicky: 29th April, 2016 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
I purchased what you suggested and BIG success with our 3 year old daughter (3 years, 7 months). We went from refusing to sit on the toilet and the odd time she would sit on there nothing would happen. We had limited success in the past but had been told to wait until she was about 2.5 years old which we did but also what didn’t help was travelling overseas twice within 6 months so the training was intermittent and without much success. Then it took a step backwards with toilet refusal. She would wear knickers and never have any accidents but would ask for a pull-up to wee or poo in. If we didn’t give one to her she would just hold on.
When your Girls Just Want to Have Fun pack arrived in the mail she was all excited and the child profile showed her to be a Courageous Lion. On day 2 she was doing wees on the potty and once on the toilet and by day 3, on the toilet instead of the potty, sometimes taking herself, and did her first poo on the potty. All poos were done on the toilet after that. So 3 days to be fully trained you could say and now just takes herself to the toilet to wee and poo all the time. No problems with public toilets and she doesn’t even use her little toilet seat and just balances herself on the normal toilet seat. Seriously incredible! Was really starting to worry prior to purchasing your system about what to do as nothing was working. The personality profiling was amazing and she really responded to it to the toilet training coming from that angle! I’m over the moon!
Thanks so very much again, Forever grateful, Nicki :)
Day and Night Trained.... I Highly Recommend This Program!
By Eva: 20th April, 2016 via Facebook (ULTIMATE TOILET TRAINING SYSTEM)
Just wanted to let you know that since getting your program (started on Good Friday) our 3yo is now fully toilet trained. We have had a handful of "accidents" only and he is now confident going to any toilet to do both 1s and 2s with or without an insert. We started "night training" last week and from day one to now (about 7 nights) we have had no accidents. We haven't even had to use the game. Just the shoe box and the profiling worked for us. I printed out big eyes and stuck them to the underside of the toilet seat and our loo is called Lui smile emoticon He has to be fed poos and wees other wise he gets "sad" and "hungry" worked a treat. I was worried the "reward" base method would cause problems in regards to him always wanting something (and this is where the game comes in handy as it's a good visual for when they get a prezzy) but I think knowing his personality was the key to say "guess what you are a big boy now and you have mastered the day time feeding of Lui so now we do not need the box for day time" etc. If anyone is not sure about this program I highly recommend it. Tracy is also helpful after sale with great advice and tips. I was told that waiting till 3 would be an issue but this program has taught me how to make it work for our situation. Thanks so much.
Dry Pants Dance is Awesome! 11 Days Night Trained.
Hi Tracy
Just wanted to write a quick email and let you know how awesome the Dry Pants Dance was / is for Addison. We are now on 11 days in and Addison has been dry every night but one! She loves the song, we just listen to it twice every night – have had one read of the book (its been a busy few weeks) and her Brain / Bladder connection is now awesome. She comes in some nights for a wee, others she waits all night – she is so proud of herself and tells all the family members she can (grandmas, auntys etc), how she is finally a big girl now! We have now recommended your site to everyone we know that is struggling with kids from 3.5 to 7 so hopefully they will all logon and take a look.
Any chance you are working on a ‘How to stop sucking your thumb song’??? This would be much appreciated and would tick off my last ‘thing to do’ before baby #3 arrives.
Thanks for your great resources and information, it really has helped Addy and us through the long difficult night time phase quickly and easily! Rebecca
Confidence in Kids Occupational Therapy - Professional Testimony
As an Occupational Therapist, I have been using Pottytraining.com.au resources and methods with my families I work with and have had many success rates. Tracey and the team at Pottytraining.com.au have been great to deal with, very friendly, and resources have arrived very efficiently. I highly recommend Pottytraining.com.au, their resources and toileting methods to assist with helping your child to toilet.
The Personality Profile is Excellent!
By Eva: 2 April, 2016 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Hey Tracy, Thank you so much for your time. Thank you too for sending us the digital pack while we wait for the physical one to arrive. The personality profile is really excellent as it really makes you sit down and think about your child and their personality. Your help out of hours too has been really appreciated. As a parent it is really easy to part with money on books etc written by people really only in it for the money. Your guidance and patience so far with us has been worth the investment while we are still awaiting the package. Thank you.
Can't Rave Enough About Your System.... now toilet training second child!
Hello. I have used your system with my now 2.5yr old (started at 18months) and it was fantastic. Can't rave enough about your system and your site. Both my sister and I have used it with our little ones and I have recommended it to many others. I can't tell you how excited I am to start #2 from the get-go.
22 Month old asking to go... and what happened next?
By Renee: 10 March, 2016 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Last year on visiting the nurse at the community health for checkup for bub (who was 22mths at the time), we excitedly told her how we were toilet training using your methods. She huffed & puffed and proceeded to tell us that it couldn't be done under 2yrs according to the 'professionals'.
I'm happy to say that she was interrupted in the midst of her 'lecture' by bub asking to go to the bathroom. On returning after bub had successfully used the toilet for poos & wees she sat there in utter amazement stating how it was unusual that someone of bubs age could actually tell us that he needed to go. Unfortunately, people can underestimate what these little people can comprehend and achieve. Thank you for your help.
Thanks for giving me the courage, he was so easy to toilet train!
Thanks so much for giving me the courage to throw out all my 2yo sons nappies! I've been ridiculously busy studying a double degree, working and being a wife and mum that toilet training wasn't high on the list late last year but we had a few half-attempted goes. He's goes to daycare as well and sits on the toilet but never actually went. Then early this year after reading your stuff I said "that's it... No more nappies and let’s get him toilet trained before he starts daycare in his new room." And we did! To be honest he was amazing too and made it seem so easy! He's had a few accidents recently including overnight but they're all a rarity! Courage was really all we needed because he was ready... So thank you!
Toilet Training A Special Needs Child in Only A Week!
Loving having a child who's nearly toilet trained, after only a week! First thing she does each morning is sit on the loo and do her business, sets us up for a great day. Don't get me wrong we still have our mishaps, but we are well on the way. Thanks to Tracy Fulwood for hooking us up with the Ultimate Toilet Training System. As far as Eden knows she's just been playing a game the whole week.
Very Successful Training my 2 and 4 Year Old!
By Lisa: 11 February, 2016 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
I have used this training and been very successful. Training my 2 & 4 yr old foster girls who were behind in so many ways. But this plan works if you work it. Highly recommended.
Overcame Toilet Refusal in One Day!
By Edie: 29 January, 2016 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Just wanted to say a big THANK YOU to Tracy. About 2 1/2 weeks ago I was struggling to toilet train my 2.5 year old daughter using the potty training system. I had tried for months to get her to use to potty and although she started off great all of a sudden as quick as she started she stopped again. I tried to do it on my own for months and I was just about at my wits end when I contacted pottytraining.com.au to find out what i was doing wrong. Boy i wish i would have contacted them earlier because as soon as I had spoken to tracy and she explained to me what i needed to do - that day layla was using the potty for both wees and poos and she has been ever since!
I can't thank you enough or recommend you anymore!!
Your System is Awesome!
Hi Tracy,
I wanted to let you know that your potty training system was awesome. My son and I loved all the characters and the sticker chart and he went from not liking the toilet to being perfectly trained with no accidents in around 3 weeks! We saw great results after only one or two days. I do not think I could have done it without your integrated package and it wouldn't have been nearly as fun. Feel free to publish.
Cheers, Alex.
Thank you for Your Prompt Service and Extras!
By: Nat on 23 December, 2015 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi. I ordered from you last week and recieved it today. Thank you so much for your prompt service and extras contained within the parcel. It was more than I could have hoped for, especially at this crazy time of year.
Thank you and I hope you and your families have a lovely Christmas.
Cheers, Nat
Every Wee in the Weeman First Day and Haven't Even Started Yet!
Hayden has done every wee today in the wee man!!!
I put a nappy on him for his nap and he said no mummy big boy undies. Very happy so far and we haven't even fully started, just the wee man has excited him.
Regards, Emma.
Asking to Go After Two Days!
Dear Tracy,
I purchased your Potty Training System two days ago (about 2 days in to our potty training) and I am thrilled to tell you that as of this morning Oscar is asking to go "wees" and "poos" before the event and making it to the toilet to do his business. I was having some resistance to getting him to sit on the toilet in the first couple of days and after doing the personality test I was able to tailor my approach to his courageous Lion personality... "I'll do it!" ...I think he gets it from me, not that we'll tell Dad that! :-(
I haven't actually received the physical product yet but the content you sent through has been so helpful.
Thought I'd share our success with you!
Thank you, Sarah
Toilet Trained in Just 4 Days - DAY AND NIGHT!
Hi there Tracy,
Another success story to share - Harrison was toilet trained - day and night - in 4 days!! He is 2 years and 9 months old. At the end of day 2, I wanted to call you and/or give up but we persisted and it clicked for him.
But the key - as you explained to me - was assessing his personality. The strategies suggested worked perfectly with him. Definitely a courageous lion! You mentioned that in our phone call and I focused on that. We have a little boy who takes himself to the toilet to wee and poo - never needs to be asked - flushes and washes his hands all by himself and not a single accident in less than a week. Our little legend!!
Thank you for your help, Nicole.
My Son is Now Pooing on The Toilet!
My son likes the yum yums and has started pooing again in the toilet for the first time in almost a year. Hilarious really. Thanks.
Wonderful Customer Service
By Kylie: 4 September, 2015 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Thank you so much, we recieved this package on Wednesday afternoon. I had one very excited girl.
Thank you to Tracy for her wonderful customer service when our original purchase was deemed 'lost'!
Next Day DONE!!!
By Nina: 4 August, 2015 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi Team I purchased your kit and received it on a Friday. Started using it on a Saturday night and my 4 yr old (yes, I know, a late start) (wise old owl) has been using the loo ever since for No.2s (she was already wee trained). No problems or resistance at al. Thank you so much. Your kit has been successful and amazing. Thanks Nina & Carla xx
The Methods Worked Brilliantly
Just wanted to let you know that their are 2 very proud parents here of a courageous little lion who is now pooing in the toilet ☺☺☺ he has been since saturday. Decided too all by himself because mummy did and then ate a chocolate infront of him and he "missed out"...worked brilliantly...he ran to the toilet and did one all by himself. He now tells us that he wants to try and gets a prize box reward even for trying. He has been going every day sometimes more, since saturday and only having minimal wee accidents...even telling us sometimes he needs to go. So thanks so so much for all your kindness and help..i have confidence we will get there now ☺☺☺ Eloise
Bella Game Looks Wonderful!
By: Elise on 1 June 2015
Hi, We haven't started any training yet but have just bought your ultimate pack. I am waiting for it to download and have already downloaded the bella game which looks wonderful well done!!
No More Hiding to Poo and Dry at Night!
Hi Tracy,
The go potty pack and the wee man work magic for my boys. Specially for Marcus as he never missed wee in the toilet now :) Dry mostly during the night too, and no more hiding when he needs to poo.
Marcel is copying his older brother too wee in the toilet and the wee man is awesome....
Second Day and No Accidents!
By: Kellie on 12 April, 2015 (GIRLS JUST WANT TO HAVE FUN PACK)
Hi Tracy,
Just wanted to let you know that today is our second official day of toilet training and Emily has not had 1 accident. We've had 3 wees and 2 poos on the toilet in the last 2 days. Getting her to that first prize was the challenge but now she knows that she gets a prize for doing it, it's so much easier.
Thank you! We are now in full swing!
Regards, Kellie.
Great Success With our 2 Year Old!
Hi there,
We attended a workshop at Good Start Early learning last year and bought your system and a couple of the 3 part toilet seats. We took the long weekend in October and went hard for the day time training and had great success with our 2yo for day time. Dumpy and the gang worked a treat for day time and the sheet for recording his toilet times all worked easily for us.
Cheers, Andrew
Thank You for Great Old-Fashioned Customer Service!
By: Angela on 14 December, 2014
Thank you. I've received my package and thank you for great, old-fashioned customer service. It was an absolute pleasure doing business with you. Will be sure to recommend you to other parents.
Cheers, Angela.
A Massive Thank You - Your Concept is Amazing!
Hi Tracy just wanted to send a massive thank you for our recent delivery and your assistance. Your concept is amazing and the DVD really helped (my husband was totally into it and that is saying something). Kirstii with Elijah
OMG You Are Amazing!
Hi Tracy,
Oh my God!!! You are amazing!!!
Yesterday morning we did what you suggested on Friday evening.
Ollie sat on the toilet happily, after throwing in 4 yum yums, watching the smelly smelly song on the iPad set up on a stool in front of him. I then gave him the option of pooing with me there, or me leaving and he could hide like hide and seek. He hid his face and said he wanted to hide. I pulled the door to and he sat there for a few minutes then got up off the toilet, shut the door properly and went back, sat on the toilet and did a poo!!! My husband couldn't believe it when he went and got him off and he had done it, as he often says he has but hasn't!
We have just had a repeat this morning. He didn't take very long, and told me when he had finished today. He has got some serious presents for doing it the last 2 days so will need to pull back a bit on that or we'll be broke :0), but I can't thank you enough. Our whole household is relaxed and happy - and relieved!
Thank you for your time on the phone. Thanks again, Sarah.
Toilet Trained in 3 Days!
Hi Tracy Wanted to touch base and say a big thank you my little boy Jacob was trained in 3 days. We had some challenges in overcoming the poo fears to making himself poo for a prize. Anyway he is doing that less now and we are just about to graduate off the reward sticker chart. My daughter Maddie had her first dry night last night. I know we are not consistently there yet but it was very exciting for my six year old. I am very happy I now longer have to walk down the baby isle at the supermarket to buy nappies. You have saved me a fortune!! Cheers, Robyn.
21 Month Old Boy Toilet Trained in 10 Days!
Hi Tracy,
Thank you for your emails and the advice you have given along the way.
It seems to have clicked for Ethan and it only took 10 days. He's now regularly going to the toilet for wees and poos and we have had whole days now with no accidents! (Mummy and daddy are so happy!) He even lets us know now when he needs to go when we are out and about. He has also started waking and asking to go to the toilet in the middle of the night.
He is loving the stickers and prizes and is always asking to read Dumpy and the Gang when he is on the toilet (Dumpy, Mike, Helen and Bronwyn are clearly his favourites.) Sometimes in the evening, he doesn't want to get off the toilet now, which is a real turn around from 10 days ago.
He has really responded well to the stickers and prizes and to using an alarm timer based on his bladder size.
At first there did not appear to be a pattern in his toilet times but he is now getting a bit more consistent. And he is now able to hold on for short periods about 5-10 minutes, if we can't get to the toilet straight away when he tells us he needs to go. Pretty impressive for a 21 month old!
Anyway, I just wanted to say thank you for your help through this process. Your products, recommendations and support along the way has made toilet training a quick and very manageable process. Also, the Lupi Lu is fantastic! He won't use a potty so the toddler toilet seat has been wonderful.
Anyway, I will let you know how we progress with night training when that stage begins. Thanks again.
Kind regards, Alison :)
Overcame a Serious Poo Challenge in Less Than a Month!
Hi Tracy,
DAY 15:
We are at day 15 now and yesterday (day 14) Mavi did his poo in the loo in the morning with no nappy at home, and then again after lunch at daycare!!! His has become obsessed with the prize box and has started sitting on the loo hoping for poo to come. His body can't create the poo quick enough. He has even been in tears that no poo is coming. Then he goes and eats fruit hoping to create more poo. We have created a poo monster and I could be more proud and happy.
DAY 25:
We are at day 25 now and the poo challenge is no longer a poo challenge!!!! We are just weaning off the prizes for poos at daycare this week and then thats it!
I can't thank you enough or sing your praises louder. I am telling as many people as I can about your wonderful solution.
I am happy to write a summary that you can use as a testimonial, FB post etc. Let me know.
Thanks again, Jodie x
Hands Down The Best!
By: Jess on 2 September, 2014
Cannot thank you enough, so glad we found pottytraining.com.au !!!
My beautiful friend introduced me, It's hands down the best!
Night Training Finished!
By: Ellen on 30 May, 2014
Thank you do much for your advice, especially since I just wanted to cave. My son Jonah is back to normal and hasn't wet the bed at all since we last spoke. Sometimes he wakes to go to the toilet and sometimes he holds on throughout the night. Feeling very great and appreciate you taking the time out for me, thanks again.
Huge Success - Toilet Trained in 2 Days!
By: Tracey on 9 December, 2013 (BULLET PROOF BOY PACK)
Hi Tracy,
I just wanted to email you and tell you that we had a huge success using the Go Potty Pack with Mitchell. He loved the prize box full of presents and it gave us the confidence to get rid of the pull-ups and be consistent with our method. We started on a Saturday morning, only had a couple of wet accidents. He held out all day and until the next morning to poo, but once he finally did he told us how easy it was. He was pretty much done by the end of Sunday.
He is so excited that he will be going to Kindy in his big boy jocks next year and I no longer have to dread telling Kindy that he is not toilet trained - Yay!!
Thank you, Tracey.
Our Raving Fans Success Stories
Almost every week we get excited parents come to us at the markets or email us direct to let us know how successful toilet training was once they used our products and system. We get just excited as you, so let us know. We love to hear your stories. Send us a video or written testimony letting us know what you used and how it helped and we can add it to the perpetual growing list of very happy parents. Send us your adorable angel's photo if you want them to be a star on our Raving Fans page as well.
We sorted the success stories into AGE groups where we have known, so it can help you relate to the your situation. PLUS, it really does highlight how significant AGE is when it comes to toilet training. It is laid out below in true, real-life stories. Just like research has proven, these stories are the facts that back it all up - EARLY IS EASIER! Take a look at the success stories of the children OVER TWO YEARS old and compare them with the stories of children UNDER TWO. There is an obvious pattern that can't be ignored! Over two - had problems they had to overcome, often resulting in months of struggle. Under two - started and finished well, no problems, often done in just days! This is the proof. It cannot be ignored. Parents if you haven't started yet, take heed of these stories and choose which one you want to tell. EARLY TOILET TRAINING IS EASIER!
3 year old girl - Toilet training for 6 months then 3 days done
Dear All at Pottytraining,
I would just like to say THANK YOU for your wonderful products.
A couple of months ago I purchased the "Girls just want to have fun" pack for my 3 year old that we had been toilet training for at least 6 months and had come to a stand still with it all. We knew she could do it but she just didn't want to. With accidents happening every day, the washing was continuous and I was constantly frustrated and stressed.
After the first day of using the pack we were receiving no resistance from our daughter in going to the toilet and after just 3 days was taking herself.
Your product is amaizing! I just wish I had found it 2 years earlier. I also purchased from you the early start potty training book for our 9 month old which I have nearly read and am about to start the training, as I am not going to go through all the trouble we had with our first daughter again.
So thank you for giving my husband and I our sanity and time back,
Isabella - 2YR OLD GIRL - 4 DAYS DONE!
"I had tried several different toilet training techniques in the past with limited or no luck. After being told by a friend about this product I decided to give it a go. I watched the DVD and certain things just stood out to me. Armed with this knowledge I began the process and am so excited to report that it took only 4 days to have her fully day toilet trained. I am over the moon. Thank you for this wonderful product."
"I just wanted to thank-you. A few weeks ago I purchased a toilet training pack. our 3 year old daughter had been partially trained for about 5 months but would not ask to go to toilet nor would she poo in toilet. I was not concerned about night training at all. Well within 2 weeks of your program she takes herself off to the toilet for both wee's and poo's (by herself) and refuses to use nappies at night (and not once wet the bed!). So I thank-you, your program has definitely worked and reduced the tension in our household."
"Hi , I just wanted you to know how thrilled I was with your potty training kit which I purchased a few weeks ago. My nearly 3 year old daughter had a fear of sitting on the toilet/potty and was not interested in wearing undies. Within 4 days she was completely trained and is even getting through the night on occasion! I am telling everyone I know about the success I’ve had with your product so hopefully it will result in further business. Thanks again.
Mitchell - 3 yrs - Toilet Refusal for wees and poos - Overcame in a weekend
I just wanted to email you and tell you that we had a huge success using the Go Potty Pack with Mitchell. He loved the prize box full of presents and it gave us the confidence to get rid of the pull-ups and be consistent with your method. We started on a Saturday morning, only had a couple of wet accidents. He held out all day and until the next morning to poo, but once he finally did he told us how easy it was. He was pretty much done by the end of Sunday.
He is so excited that he will be going to Kindy in his big boy jocks next year and I no longer have to dread telling Kindy that he is not toilet trained - Yay!!
Eva - 2.5 yrs
Using your Toilet Training System was an amazingly positive and rewarding experience for my 2.5 year old. We had previously tried toilet training her twice from the age of 2 with some success, but there was something missing to motivate her to train completely during the day. A friend introduced me to the Toilet Training Chart and this is what made the difference. My little girl was so excited about going to the toilet because she got to choose a special animal sticker she wanted and stick it on herself. After she completed a row of stickers she got a little chocolate reward each time, and when she finished the entire chart she proudly walked into the shops to pick her own DVD. It was months after she trained that I was allowed to remove her chart from the toilet wall! The toilet chart was tangible evidence to her that she was becoming ìa big girlî! It helped instil confidence in her and of equal importance reduced our nappy bill!
Danielle, Brisbane, QLD
Gracie - 3 yrs
Thank you so much for your Enchanted Garden Toilet Chart... at last something that worked. Gracie was 3yrs old and her twin sister Ella was well and truly trained. I felt that I had tried everything I could, including my own home made reward charts. The day care she attend tried to assist by explaining to her, that if she could go to the toilet she could go and be with her friends in the kindy room. Again no success. To me the Toilet Chart was like magic...She just loved it. We gave her a sticker each time she did a number two'sie on the toilet, she got to put the stickers where ever she liked on her chart and every 5th success she got to take a present out of a lucky dip (your brilliant suggestion .. little things from the $2 shop) which she was so excited about. So there we have it, after approx 2wks Gracie was properly toilet trained and we have not looked back. So once again thanks for designing such a clever tool for over run mums like me, I definitely recommend it to anyone wanting a no fuss, sure fire way to toilet train their little cutie.
Sharon, Brisbane, QLD
Mya - 2.5 yrs
Toilet training is one of the hardest things you can do as a parent... well it feels like it at the time OK!
Mya at 2.5 years refused to sit on the toilet. She would stop and start, but we could not keep her focussed enough to establish the habit. Eventually she stopped altogether. My husband and I conferred that we must have done something wrong...... We tried everything to get her going again (she already showed us she could do it), but nothing worked. We tried chocolate, positive reinforcement, bribes... but it was just not happening. I have heard said "The height of insanity is doing the same thing over and over expecting a different result." So we decided to try something different. I designed a toilet training chart. Within three days of using it, my little girl was using the toilet every time. By the time we finished the chart, she was toilet trained.
I couldn't believe how easy it was. We were totally amazed, when only a day prior to using it, we couldnít even get her to sit on the toilet! Using the chart and the system devised, she was eagerly taking herself to the toilet. It was such a turn-around. I was so excited. From here I developed it further, designed some more themes, till it evolved into the Toilet Training Kits you see today on www.pottytraining.com.au. This product has been tried and tested on age groups from 14 months plus with great success. Although every child is different and some are quicker than others, this is a fantastic tool to help speed the process up. It helps your child establish interest in going to the toilet and maintain the focus to create the habit of using the toilet. Using the right tools and methods makes the difference between toilet training with confidence or struggling. I tried both ways and totally recommend the first option!
I have found the benefits of a Reward Chart are not fully realised until you actually use one. I underestimated Mya's response to working with this product and how powerful Reward Charts really are. Not only is it great for fine tuning the skills you as a parent would like to see improved in your child, for example, using manners every time, it made a huge difference for Mya to begin to understand what team work and goal setting was all about. This is something you can speak to your child in theory, but they never fully understand until it is played out in their lives. She now comes out with comments like, ìIf you close the lid Mum and I flush the toilet, then thatís teamworkî, which is really cute coming from a three year old.
By referring back to the chart on a constant basis, I am able to curb misbehaviour to a minimum, as I remind her of her goals and rewards. It is amazing how a simple, "What a pity, we aren't going to be able tick 'good girl' today" brings her back into line, without any ranting or raving on my part. The 'Extra Points' section just works famously as well, both with adding and taking away points. Just the threat of taking points away prompts her enough that I have never actually had to do it yet. Mya now looks for things to do around the house, etc, without me asking, which is excellent for developing independent thinking and cause and effect at such an early age. The Reward Chart helps you reward "good behaviour" as you are able to catch your child out doing "good things" and give them extra points accordingly. This is the best way to teach your child, and reinforce the behaviour you want repeated, by positively responding to them at the time it is happening.
I totally recommend the use of a Reward Chart as an excellent way to build character and skills in your child, as well as teaching them invaluable life lessons in preparation for adulthood. and the earlier you start the longer the habit is established and more likely to stick.
Tracy, Brisbane, QLD
Lauren - 2 yrs
I found the chart really did work. It DEFINITELY helped Lauren (& more importantly helped US to help her!) to become fully toilet trained. In the initial stages of toilet training, it took a while to fill the first 5 squares before she reached her first star but once she got the hang of it & understood that ìstar = prezzieî she was very keen. Initially, the 5 spaces seemed a bit too long between rewards but once we got the ball rolling they seemed to come around too quick & the prezzie box kept getting depleted!
The system is versatile to suit your childís personality, for example it was sufficient for a friend of ours to reward her daughter with a lolly each time the star was reached, but for our daughter a small $2 novelty gift wrapped up was definitely needed (& created a real sense of fun & excitement to go to the toilet). She loved the thrill of selecting whichever animal sticker she wanted each time & then selecting whichever wrapped prezzie she wanted from the prezzie box each time she reached the star square.
For Lauren, we completed the chart purely for #1ís (at that stage she hadnít mastered the art of #2ís on the big toilet yet). By the time we completed the chart, we then focussed on #2ís ñ which to our surprise & amazement happened pretty much instantly. Instead of the sticker reward system we just went straight to the ìprezzie boxî reward system for each time she successfully did a #2 in the toilet (once again, this is what incentive worked for our daughter). But after just a couple attempts she told us ìI donít need a present ñ Iím a big girl now. And that was the end of that Ö now THANKFULLY she's 100% fully toilet trained.
Before a friend gave me this toilet chart for Lauren, we would make some progress with toilet training then stop for a while, and then try again successfully for a day or two then she wouldnít be interested anymore. I think it was because of the consistent, fun & rewarding approach this system offers that makes it so simple & effective for the kids. I was really impressed with how simple, fun & positive the whole toilet training process ended up being.
Lisa, Brisbane, QLD
Samuel - 2.5 yrs
Many Thanks for your fabulous Toilet Training Kit. My son Samuel (2.5 years) was toilet trained in no time using your system. Our whole experience & adventure of toilet training our first-born was both enjoyable and stress free. Sam was very excited at the prospect of receiving rewards and presents every day for his little triumphs. He now feels very grown up and proud of his achievement.
Our daughter Alexandra (1.5 years) is also showing interest in the toilet after watching Brother Samuel and the fun involved. Your motto toilet + bum = happy mum certainly rings true in our home. Many thanks for the positive experience.
Julianne, Brisbane, QLD
Jamie - 33 months
I thought I had it easy with my son toilet training himself at 26 months, he blew me away, we went to our usual Saturday swimming lesson and I asked him if he want to go to the toilet first, he said "no", then proceeded to pee all over the bench - after his swimming lesson he said "wees quick quick", so I placed him in the shower thinking that he wouldnt do anything anyway, he then said to me \"no, not here in the toilet" - and hey guess what he did wees in the toilet and do so from then on, even poos went into the toilet, we had an odd accident here and there, but that was it - how lucky was I. Well, for 3 months anyway - then we did a complete 360 and started having accidents all the time and stopped asking to go. I was gutted and lost not knowing where to turn, I tried everything, rewards, begging, bribes I even got mad with him, I tried everything in all the books but no luck. So I put him into trainingpants, and struggled to get the message accross - he said all the right things but never did the right things, unless it suited him. 5 months later and still no success, just my good management 90% of the time, I found pottytraining.com.au and to be honest I thought "whatever, I will try anything" so I did. I put the charts up in the bathroom and no word of a lie 2 days later Jamie is asking to go all the time, poos and wees - I wont lie to you we have had a poo accident each day, except for the last 2 days, where we have had no accidents at all - so I sit here writing this with tears in my eyes knowing that I have succeeded getting Jamie back on track with his toileting and I am now awaiting for a delivery of more reward stickers and stars as we have run out. I have to say that I didnt really think that these kits would work, as it just sounds too easy in theory, but as they say its the simple things in life that are offen the best. Its not just the charts and stickers for Jamie but the information given for me to read on the process it puts it all into prospective for me as a parent and the chart for me to keep track of his toileting made it a little easier for me to undrstand his needs to go. Anyway I am one happy and relieved customer, and my son loves the stickers, especially the enchanted garden stickers
Nicole, Melbourne, NSW
Zach - 3.5 yrs
The toilet training is going fantastically. We had tried everything to get him to use the toilet to do poo's, your system has worked since the day he opened the package. It has been 1 week and no accidents, thank you very much.
I have told a lot of people about pottytraining.com as it has worked wonders with Zach, and was very easy and is continuing to work. Before success with pottytraining.com it was very stressful in our house, Zach also seems a lot more confident in himself since he is using the toilet.
Thank you again
Karen, Adelaide, SA
Jonah - Regression with night training
Thank you do much for your advice, especially since I just wanted to cave. My son Jonah is back to normal and hasn't wet the bed at all since we last spoke. Sometimes he wakes to go to the toilet and sometimes he holds on throughout the night. Feeling very great and appreciate you taking the time out for me, thanks again.
Hi, I just really wanted to say a BIG thank-you. My 19 month old son is toilet trained. Daytime and night time in 12 days! I am amazed and SOOOO happy!!..... Anyway, I committed, and lost the nappy at the first signs of his interest. And he 'got it' so quickly. Dry days at childcare, then dry nights with him waking to wee only days later. I'm so proud of him. I wish I had know about this way of toilet training for my daughter who took a good 6 months and was 2 and half by the time we finished.Thanks!
"I just cannot believe it. I really thought he was too young (17 months) to understand the sticker chart and the whole going to the toilet/potty thing. Man did I underestimate my little guy. We started toilet training yesterday and today we had our first poo in the potty. I am totally gobsamcked that he has that understanding so soon. I filled out the little routine chart yesterday and monitered when he went. I knew around 11am he would have a poo. After going to the toilet several times during the morning and explaining this is where we do poo's and wee's etc......Bang on 11am he looked up at me said "poo" . We grabbed the potty and he happily sat down. We played our little counting game and then he looked at me again with big blue eyes and said "poo"- he hopped off and "bingo" a big poo. We went and flushed it, washed our hands and placed our sticker on the chart. This has totally changed my views on what age kids should be toilet trained and wish I had started earlier. I know I definately will with the next one. So THANKS for the great website. All the products are great and the information really useful. It has really given me a better understanding of toilet training and also more understanding about my beautiful big boy."
"Hi, Just wanted to say thank you for all your products and tips. We are two weeks in to potty training our 19.5 month old and it has been a great success, within 3-4 days he was wee toilet trained and within a week he was poo toilet trained. He now tells us when he is ready to go to the toilet and to our amazement has developed bladder and bowl control in this time and will hold on until we get to a toilet. We have also had dry daytime naps and some dry nights as well. Although the first 3 days were a bit like toture I am so happy we stuck with it and our now reaping the rewards. We look forward to starting even earlier with our second child due in a month. Thanks again.
"I just wanted to post to say a huge thank you for giving me the advice and confidence to begin the toilet training journey for my almost 18mo daughter. I am actually blown away that in 10 days it is pretty much safe to say she is fully trained by day. As she wasn't showing any signs for being ready I doubted we would have any success and almost gave up, but we are now living proof that it is possible to train before 18 months. Next step, no nappies during naps and night time! We can do it! Recommending pottytraining.com.au to all my friends and will be discussing with my daughters childcare centre too!"
Tristyn & Sebastian - 18 mths
My twin boys, Tristyn and Sebastian started showing signs quite early, so we started toilet training with them. They hated dirty nappies, wanted to take their pants on and off and showed a genuine interest in the toilet with us. So at 14 months I started putting them on the toilet, at 15 months they started to use the toilet. My niece had taken a lot longer than what my sister had anticipated so she had designed a Toilet Training Kit that worked so well that we started using it with the boys. It was so much fun getting them to put their own stickers on their own little charts and it was working fantastically.
A few holidays and winter later, my boys were out of nappies completely by 18 months. We were so proud of them and they were so proud of themselves and it happened in such a fun positive way. It did not take them long before they understood the concept that we would reward them if they tried to sit on the toilet and then to actually put something in it was just brilliant. We would go through all the steps involved until one day the routine was established and my boys were toilet trained. What we believed was going to be one of the hardest things to teach our children, ended up being a team building adventure for the whole family.
When at 18 months our boys were established with using the toilet and the use of their toilet chart was no longer required, we replaced it with their very own Reward Chart.
This simple chart changes the way our boys behave on a daily basis and in any situation. We set the goals at the beginning of each week and they get to tick off when their tasks have been achieved. They have been using their charts every day for 6 months now and get very excited each time they earn a tick. They are constantly telling us what "Big Boys" they are and what they deserve each week!! Its amazing how this creates a whole new thought process for them as it makes them think how they can earn their points and extra ones day to day. We also use their charts to teach them the days of the week, spelling, letters, numbers and counting, all while having a lot of fun.
They both love their charts, as this highlights their very own achievements, on the wall, displayed for all to see. They are very user friendly, can be used over and over again, for absolutely anything.
Kylie, Brisbane, QLD
“We started following the potty training guide & it has been nothing short of brilliant.”
Jess, Coomera
4.5mth Boy - Early-Start Potty Training (paperback) - Success after one day.
Hi, I just wanted to let you know that after our conversation last weekend at the southbank markets i read the book cover to cover and tried my 4.5mth old on the potty this morning. Oh my goodness he was doing poo face so i placed him on the potty and he did a poo and a wee so i made the noise the book suggests. The rest of the day was spent with my son naked trying to figure out his reaction before he did a wee. After his morning bottle i thought ok i will try him again, I placed him on the potty and did the nose and sure enough he did a wee and a poo again. Then when he was naked i noticed he did a wee every 20mins or so. So i placed him on the potty before the time was up and he did another wee. OMG this will change our lives, we already use the itti bitti nappies and love them but hopefully this means no more soiled nappies. My husband just placed him on the potty did the noise and he just did another poo and a wee. After we praised him he smiled he was so proud of himself. This is only day one i can't wait to see how the rest goes. Thanks so much. One very excited mother.
Lauren, Qld
KY - 9 mths - Poo trained since 5mths old
I started Ky on the potty at 4 months old after reading Early-Start Potty Training by Dr Linda Sonna. This book completely changed our lives. He responded almost immediately to being placed on the potty. It just made so much sense to me and after going through the hassles of toilet training a 2 year old, a baby is so much easier. All I am doing is teaching him to go to the toilet on the potty instead of in his nappy, therefore eliminating all the problems associated with trying to break this bad habit later as a toddler. He understands wet and dry at an early age and knows which muscles to use to expel waste. Around 5 months he started having bowel control, holding on before going. This is highlighted for example, by him being naked for a period of time before I actually put him on the potty, and once on, he then goes.
At 9 months he started having dry nights, his best effort being five dry nights in a row. He actually wakes every time if he needs to do poos and is starting to do this more consistently with wees. Prior to this he would wake up dry during his day sleeps every now and then as well. He knows what a potty is used for and it is just great! His methods of communication are still quite subtle, whereby you have to know your child's signs initially and place them on the potty yourself, versus them telling you directly. Subsequently, I get a winge to let me know, so I still have to be paying attention. If I am busy, I just set the timer on the oven to prompt me to take him. This works well because I know my child's routine. It is also as simple as putting him on the potty at key times throughout the day - before a sleep, after he wakes up, after a feed, before a bath, etc. I am attending to him then anyway, you just add an extra step in the routine. Instead of just slapping on a nappy, I put him on the potty. You become more in tuned with your child and he is happier because he is clean and dry. I am looking forward to the next stage of the process where he can communicate with me verbally or with signing. At this point I don't have to teach him anything different, the habit of using the potty is already established, the work is already done. He wants to eliminate in the potty, because he knows that is just what you do..... this is what mummy and daddy have taught me from the beginning, so I don't know any different.
Tracy, Brisbane, QLD, Australia
Nilla 5mths & Zen 6mths
Neither of my children have ever worn a nappy. I began from birth using a technique used around the world that I call nappy free. With my first child, Nilla, I watched for body language or any other signal that she did before she weed or pooed. When I made a connection and knew a certain signal meant she needed to go, I would hold her under the legs with her back against my chest over a bowl or sink, where ever. I gave her a cueing noise ssssss, letting her know that now's the time to do it. And guess what!! She did it. At the tender age of 1 month she would reliably tell me (through body wiggles) she needed to go, with enough time for me to get her out of the sling , take off her pants and hold her somewhere appropriate. Sometimes I got it wrong and she didn't need to go. She'd kick her legs out straight, which was her way of saying 'nope, don't need to'. Sometimes I got it right and she still said no and then weed in her pants, and sometimes I got weed (and occasionally pooed) on. At night I'd lay her on a folded towel and cloth nappies. She'd wake to wee and I'd change the nappy straight away. (We co-sleep). Being a first time mum I was a bit overwhelmed by the sleepless nights and chose to do it this way instead of getting her up to wee. If only I'd known! At about 5 months old I decided to start getting her up. I kept a big plastic bowl by the bed and would hold her over that. It was so much easier! I wished I had done it from the start. By about 15 months old she was what I call toilet independent. She still needed help with her pants and wiping, but I was off duty. I didn't have to think about it anymore. Which was a good thing because 3 months later her baby brother arrived. Zen was so easy with nappy free. I was an old hand so I didn't even watch for signals that he needed to go. I just knew. It was like an intuitive sense. The thought would pop into my head from nowhere 'wee wee' And sure enough he'd need to. I did nights from the beginning and it was all so easy. I can't even imagine why anyone would want to nappy a baby if they knew about this. So by 14 months Little Zen was independent. Again he still needed help with his pants, but it was summer so mostly he'd be nude and just go out onto the grass. I wouldn't even know. Nappy free is heaps easier if you carry your baby in a sling and if you co sleep, but I know people who have done it without doing those things. But they do make life easier, all round, not just for nappy free. My nappy free journey has been just that; a journey. There were times when I thought that the house was permanently covered in wee and poo. (It wasn't, I tend to exaggerate) and other times when I was so happy I wanted to shout 'MY 2 MONTH OLD TELLS ME HE NEEDS TO WEE'. But one thing is for sure, I'd never change my experience and I'd certainly do it again 100 times over.
Tanya, Eudlo, QLD, Australia